Vanilla Petroleumhandling Expanded

Changelings to petroleum handling and connected producation-lines like plastic, sulfur and rocket-fuel. Vanilla-Friendly. A liquid-fuel burning entity is now included! Rough compatibility with Industrial Revolution (WIP).

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g IR Compatibility

5 years ago

I'm nowhere near a computer, but would this be fine with Industrial Revolution?

5 years ago

I checked the compatibilty. There is only one thing i found not functional at the moment (missing recipe): vulcanised rubber. As soon as i find a solution, i will inform you.

5 years ago

Hui. Took more time than i thought. There were quite some changes to do! Now it should roughly work. Please let me know about any incompatibility!

5 years ago

Oh awesome. It'll take me a bit to try since I'm on vacation.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

maybe i can join your game for a second if you host it. please let me know. does not need to be now.

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