Useful Combinators

Adds many useful combinators that do various things! some simplify combinator logic whilst others add new functionality!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1
Circuit network

g Min/Max not behaving as expected

7 years ago

I have a simple network setup with only 7 numbered signals (1 to 7). Using either the min or max, the numbers swap like mad.

The numbered signals are counts of ore in particular warehouses, divided by 50. So there is going to be overlap across the 7 signals, especially when the warehouses get full.

When I lay down 7 min or max combinators, I set each min/max combinator to be one particular signal. If I go from a single power pole, and run wires to each min/max combinator, I get one successful result that is true. However, the moment I start hooking a SINGLE arith combinator, the results flicker like crazy.

The B signal at the top row is flicking on and off each frame draw sometimes. It sometimes slows down, but, resumes flickering like mad.

If I get rid of the arith combinators, the B stops flashing.

7 years ago

I see the problem, having the input from a single wire also transmits the output on that wire therefore creating a loop, you must use a single wire for each min/max input/output one color for in one color for out

7 years ago

Would it be possible to just output all min/max values instead of just one?

My desire is to build a warehouse balancer. Right now, I'm testing the conditions of each numbered signal and doing a comparison (Is signal 1 < signal 2?) and then turning on the appropriate feeding belt. If I had all the signals, I could have the belt turn on only if its a "min"ed or "max"ed.

What would be nice is to turn these into a 1x2-block and have an input side and an output side. It'd save on the loop issue.

7 years ago

Sure, will see what I can do

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