Useful Combinators

Adds many useful combinators that do various things! some simplify combinator logic whilst others add new functionality!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1
Circuit network

i More filtering slot?

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

With last changes in this perfect mod i got one minor problem vith filtering in min/max combinator menu: there is only 5 filtering slots and no posibility to set as filter everything. Ofcourse can use 2 or more min/max combinators if need to..
And I understand there is a design from inserters, but if it is posible and will not be too difficult for you to add more slots into filtering menu(atleast 6 - 6 angel ores type processing) or more better is constant combinator slot design as filtering menu. Or button or signal to enable everything signal.

But anyway it is minor wishes, the mod is perfect. Thank you wery much and take your time. :-)

and i just found related to request bad things: existed filters cannot to be copy/paste no with help of blueprint nor by hand. In the game about automation it is a big failure :( I hope this will be fixed. :-)

7 years ago

Thank you very much for the feedback! I will see what I can do about the Min/Max Combinators, as for the blueprints, currently I have yet to find a way to transfer my custom data via blueprints but I am, however, working on Copy/paste the vanilla way with right clicking

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