Useful Combinators

Adds many useful combinators that do various things! some simplify combinator logic whilst others add new functionality!

3 years ago
0.14 - 1.1
Circuit network

g Min/Max Aggregator Combinators

7 years ago

Hey, it's awesome that you've boosted the combinator repertoire. Thank you!

Just thought I'd make a request for an aggregator combinator. That is, given N input signals, it outputs the one signal with min/max value (maybe outputs more than one in case of ties). Would be useful for unloading trains and dispatching resources in multi-resource belt situations. Multi-resource belts need to have a balanced mix of resources on them or else the filter inserters sorting the resources at the far end can get overwhelmed.

7 years ago

So if I'm getting this correctly:

Output the max or min of an array of input signals depending on a condition?

7 years ago


So, for example, if you have an input of 1 iron ore, 2 copper ore, 3 stone, a min aggregator would output 1 iron ore, and a max aggregator would output 3 stone.

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