It seems that when this mod is enabled OTHER mods report as causing errors at startup.
I've encountered so far "squeak through" and "spidertron enhancements", but as you disable one, another from the modlist takes its place and I didn't test to see how deep the rabbit hole goes. They all otherwise work together when I disable this mod, so it's something caused by construction drones,.
I'm guessing it is due the fact it adds back the compilatron in some form (which apparently got removed in 2.0 entirely from the game) but I am not sure. Here is an example error from one of the aforementioned mods:
Error ModManager.cpp:1733: Failed to load mod "squeak-through-2": core/lualib/collision-mask-util.lua:27: bad argument #1 of 2 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'pairs'
core/lualib/collision-mask-util.lua:27: in function 'masks_collide'
core/lualib/collision-mask-util.lua:91: in function 'collect_prototypes_colliding_with_mask'
squeak-through-2/data-final-fixes.lua:97: in main chunk
3.246 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
3.340 Checksum for core: 1383572432
3.359 Error ModManager.cpp:1733: Error in assignID: procession with name 'default-b' does not exist.