UPS Friendly Nixie Tube Display

Fork of Santa's Nixie Tubes. Adds options to make it more UPS friendly.

9 months ago
Circuit network

g License?

1 year, 7 months ago

I'm not an expert, but I guess this should probably show GNU GPLv3 like the original mod, not MIT, right? Thanks for updating it!

1 year, 6 months ago
(updated 1 year, 6 months ago)

I'm not an expert, but I guess this should probably show GNU GPLv3 like the original mod, not MIT, right? Thanks for updating it!

User 'justarandomgeek' created the original 'Nixie Tubes' mod and licensed it under MIT.
User 'lovely_santa' made some additions to the 'Nixie Tubes' mod and licensed their version under GPL.

An MIT license is compatible with GNU GPL anyways; not sure if both can be listed but MIT was the original.

1 year, 6 months ago

Thanks for pointing that out. I had just gone with the default, but it sounds like MIT is okay? I can't select more than one.

1 year, 6 months ago

Thanks for pointing that out. I had just gone with the default, but it sounds like MIT is okay? I can't select more than one.

As per the MIT license agreement, in order to re-license the project under GPL, the MIT notice must be maintained. And given 'lovely_santa' failed to satisfy this condition, I'd consider the new license void. I doubt anyone here is going to care either way, but ya I'd say best bet is to stick with the MIT license.

1 year, 6 months ago

Makes sense, thanks for the explanation! Just thought I'd ask.

New response