Turbo bike

by Thorvin

Adds a fast bike.

2 years ago
0.18 - 1.1

g Grid

2 years ago

Hi there !
Could the bike have a grid, or would it be not RP ? ^^
Just a tiny little grid would be nice, I'd like to add the anti-belt thing. (And so, also at least one battery/solar panel)

I tried the vehicle grid mod by Optera, but seems like some modded vehicle don't keep the grid when mined, they reset it when spawn again ; And Optera says on his mod portal that it's not from his side so there's no solution told back there.. )

And in any case, thanks for the mod, I love my TurboBike© !

2 years ago

I could look into how to make the bike compatible with Optera's mod.

What do you mean exactly by "at least one battery/solar panel" ?

2 years ago

Oh cool ! =3
The strick minimum to power the belt immunity equipment I mean ^^
( Well I hope at least, I can't believe that tiny thing take much more power than that x)
Because I obviously feel like a big grid would not feel right on the bike ; But I small one is pretty believable !

Thanks for the quick answer, and for looking at it ! =)

2 years ago

Hello Friend, the bug that prevented the Turbo bike's grid to be saved when mined is now fixed in version 1.1.1.

Enjoy !

2 years ago

Fantastic ! I love even more my TurboBike© ! ^^ Thanks much !

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