Transport Drones

by Klonan

Adds transport drones and transport depots

1 year, 2 months ago
0.18 - 1.1

g Request Depot Missing a Stacked Wood Pulp Option

2 years ago

Hey Klonan,

Firstly, thanks so much for an amazing and game-changing mod for me! I play with both Bio Industries and Deadlock stacking, and I've stacked wood pulp for transport by drones and inserted that into a provider depot. But the Requester depot doesn't have the option to select stacked Wood Pulp (stack of 5), only regular unstacked wood pulp. Many other stacked items are available, but stacked wood pulp is not (there may be others, but haven't encountered others yet). Could we make it so that stacked wood pulp can be requested via request depot? I didn't know whom to go to first and figured I'd start with you since your mod seemed to be most directly affecting this behavior. Let me know if you need more info or a save file. Thanks!

1 year, 8 months ago

I have the same problem with Bobs Stacking

New response