Transport Drones

by Klonan

Adds transport drones and transport depots

1 year, 2 months ago
0.18 - 1.1

i remove hard coded fluid requirement

2 years ago

Im asking if its possible to add a setting to the mod that allows us to pick if we want to use an item type or a fluid type as the fuel where the mod could enable an item version of the fuel depo that would allow the mod to use items as fuel instead of the hard coded requirement of it having to be a fluid.
Im asking this because omni doesnt do fluids and agressively disables any attempt to enable disabled fluids and also doesnt allow recipes that convert the item version back to a fluid version and therefore is incompatible with this mod.
Me and a friend frustratingly found out when we tried to try out the mod that we cant use the default petroleum because omni doesnt allow us to use it and any attempt to change what fuel it uses causes the mod to fall back to the default fuel, which means sadly as the mod is right now we cant use this together with omni.

2 years ago

Does omni even remove water?

2 years ago

i wasnt 100% sure so i loaded up the save and yes: it does also disable water and all recipe creating water, it uses solid water instead.
there is not a single fluid existing in the game while the omni mods are enabled.

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