Transport Drones on Asphalt

by drdozer

Minimal mod to enable transport drones to drive on various modded roads.

1 year, 6 months ago

i Dectorio - Early gravel roads

2 years ago

Speaking of other road networks

Just a late idea and sugestion. This can work with Dectorio gravel roads.
Doing so will add Iron ( blue ), copper ( orange ), coal ( black ), stone ( grey ) roads

This will be for those who want to have road network set and done before they can place Transport Drones depots.
Also these gravel roads could use some speed buff.

I am using these gravel roads on my end, so if you need a tip where to place that road tile setting i could help.

I wonder what will happen by adding road tiles to a Dectorio - Landscaping.
Maybe off-road Transport drones ? :)

Dectorio may have some crazy license, so i dont know if you can upload modified files from it.

2 years ago

It's certainly technically possible to add the dectorio gravels as roads. I guess my reservation is if it would make sense from a worldbuilding point of view. For example, I could have made standard brick, concrete etc. into road surfaces but they are intended to be pedestrian surfaces. I tend to make a road network and then infill the gaps with other flooring. I wouldn't want drones driving over my floors to short-cut between roads. I'm open to being persuaded if you can make the case that gravel is a non-pedestrian vehicular surface ;) I currently support the asphalt road tiles and asphalt from py, both of which are sold as surfaces for driving on.

2 years ago

I agree to have something reserved as for pedestrian side walk. This is just an idea that I use and makeing it avaible just for me is futile.

Just one use-case for gravel roads that i used was that i painted these roads from main road to mining sites. ( mining drone depot )
Problem with Dectorio is if swithed to road tiles it will for be all four gravels or none at all.

There is also posibility to have option toggle for Dectorio gravel roads.

So i guess you could wait for more peoples that want this and then makeing the decision.

2 years ago

If more people ask, then I will add a mod setting to toggle this, default off.

New response