Train Control Signals

by Klonan

Simple ways of controlling trains.

3 years ago

g Depot doe snot appear to work

3 years ago

I have stations set up as follows
Station Name: Load Ore
Station Name: Unload Ore
Station Name: depot signal Ore

If one train is already in the "Load Ore" station and another tries to go it ignores the depot and waits behind the train in the station.

3 years ago

can you provide a save game showing the problem?>

3 years ago

How do I attach a save here?

3 years ago

are you using train limit or using circuit enabled/disabled?

3 years ago

Neither, I have just set the station names as discribed on the mod page. The skip icon is visable and the station is unavailable even if the following station is occupied by another train.

3 years ago

Ok yea if you send a save I can look into it,
You can upload on google drive or drop box or on the forum or something

3 years ago

thanks for your help link below. Only Copper trains currently using the depot

3 years ago

Ok, this mod only works when you are using the train limits of the trains stops, it doesn't know how to work otherwise

3 years ago

thank you, does the limit need to be on all the stops or just the stop after the depot. If you could reshare my save with the correct settings that would be great

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