Train Outpost

Mod that modifies resource spawning to strongly encourage outposts connected via trains

7 years ago
0.13 - 0.14

g Freeze

7 years ago

I don't know if it is just me, but when I tried to create new map, my game froze (I've been waiting for like 15 minutes). I've tried to create custom scenario and it generated map just fine, but when I've tried to load it, it froze (again). I'm playing with Bob's mods + Shuffle train. Help

7 years ago

Do you have a full set of mods for me to test?

7 years ago

in to debug.log
00:00:00: angels-fissure is neither ore nor fluid, aborting...

Caused by it trying to spawn angels fissures, idk what they do

7 years ago

from angels prototype files, this is what should help you:
type = "resource",
name = "angels-fissure",
icon = "base/graphics/icons/crude-oil.png",
flags = {"placeable-neutral"},
category = "angels-fissure",

7 years ago

after removing angels, your mod also hates whatever makes ground water

00:00:00: ground-water is neither ore nor fluid, aborting...

The common problem seems to be a hatred of custom fluid generation outlets

New response