
This is updated for 1.1 From DaveMcDave: My take on balancing Singistics. Total conversion replacing crafting and research with randomized trade routes. Not intended to be compatible with any other mods.

2 years ago


Version: 0.0.7
Date: 2022-03-28
    - replaced electric engine unit with flying robot frame for utility science
    - machine-format the changelog.txt
    - added python script to generate the trade images, regenerated images to fit changed trade
    - added DaveMcDave's design notes from
Version: 0.0.6
Date: 2022-02-26
    - created entries in the changelog
    - updated info.json description to point to the real TradeRouteOverhaul
Version: 0.0.5
Date: 2022-02-26
    - fixed research which used removed effect auto-character-logistic-trash-slots (in research.lua)
    - fixed research icon sizes to be 256 (in research.lua)
Version: 0.0.4
Date: ?
    - fixed utility science pack recipe
Version: 0.0.3
Date: ?
    - all inserters are now stack inserters, starts at 4 and upgrades to 8 and 12. only actual stack inserter gets infinite research. rearanged inserters in malls. 
    - added alternative satellite recipes, each only requires 3 (of 6) ingredients but about 3 times the quantity. most tier 5 & 6 malls will have a satellite trade.
    - math.random on trade_map is changed to the seeded random
    - added map-tags setting
Version: 0.0.2
Date: ?
    - rearranged malls 3-6 to bring red belts earlier
    - added a 'seed' setting for the base value of items. randomized these hidden values so i can play without knowing exactly what they are
    - added some 'bad' trades. for each pair of items either the A to B trade or the B to A trade will be 'bad'. they will only appear in the rightmost trade of each tier
    - added "probability-of-city-placement" setting. percent chance for a chunk to spawn a city when it is far enough from other cities