Tiers 32

New tiers, next tier is about 32 times better than previous but also 32 times expensive; much better UPS optimization; supports every mod; supports multiplayer

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g not showing the tier 32 vehicle equipment from bob's mods

1 year, 1 month ago

tiers 32 installed with Bio industries & Bob's vehicle equipment - I can see the tier32 solar farms and accumulators, but that's literally it.

if there's meant to be anything vanilla that's compatible, it sadly doesn't show up and I don't seem to have the vehicle equipment tier 32 options either.

your mod dependencies suggests that bob's revamp mod is required but this alters more than i'd have liked - can a compatibility check be made for just bob's vehicle equipment?

1 year, 1 month ago

never mind i'm a moron - gotta research them first!!

New response