Tiers 32

New tiers, next tier is about 32 times better than previous but also 32 times expensive; much better UPS optimization; supports every mod; supports multiplayer

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

i [fixed] Tier fuels should pull pollution and other values

4 years ago

Right now it seems Tier32 stacked fuels use the default pollution, acceleration, and top speed values of fuels. They don't seem to take into account changes to those values like what Krastorio 2 does for example. Is there a way to get Tier32 versions of fuels to reflect these changed values?

4 years ago

It doesn't change the power, just energy density.

4 years ago

Yes, but the power values it is getting are the wrong ones. So the teir32 stacks are more powerful because they use the unmodified values.

4 years ago

Example. When using K2, AAI refined fuel has values of 90%/90%/90% for pollution/acceleration/top speed respectively. But with those same mods loaded the Tiers32 AAI refined fuel has values of 100%/125%/105%. Tiers32 is grabbing the values before K2 modifies them. Making the tier32 fuels more powerful. Is it possible for tiers32 to get those values later in the loading of the game so it gets the correct ones?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Fuel script was moved to the data-final-fixes, probably fixed. :)

4 years ago

That appears to have resolved it. Thank you very much and keep up the good work.

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