The Long Nauvis

by ljdp

Nauvis is long. An infinite stream of alternate Nauvis worlds and you can step through them.

7 years ago

g transport?

7 years ago

any way to transport resources across? :P

7 years ago

from what the description says, it seems like as long as it's not iron-based, it should go across with you in your inventory at least

7 years ago

I know, but if there's no automatic transport of items what would really be the point? :P

7 years ago

It would be really cool if there would be many more kinds of ore or other kinds of resources that you can only get in other worlds. So you would have to setup inter-dimensional logistics.

Maybe you'll find new, stronger enemies in there that drop their own kind of artifacts that you need for a new tier of research. But if you are not careful enough you will have to deal with extra-dimensional invaders!!

7 years ago

Well, I look forward to riding Twains across the Long Nauvis!

7 years ago


7 years ago

I'm just curious what the current purpose of the mod is atm, I find it interesting, but if anything Iron based is destroyed on transport, apart from restarting everything why would I go there?

7 years ago

I checked it out, but without anything iron based, you have to start out worse than game start. No axe, no armor, no weapon, nor ammo... but with EvoGUI saw that biter evolution stayed the same. Just remember to bring stone, coal and/or wood, because just mining iron ore by hand is bad enough.

7 years ago

Make a entire new dimension to "run faster" at the normal world... Like "The Nether" in minecraft. Would be awesome if there was any kind of portal, that you can built to transfer things

7 years ago

Someone said something about riding trains through Long Nauvis.

Isn't trains made of iron? (Loco = Engine unit = pipes + gears = iron?) and (Cargo wagon = iron plate directly?)

6 years ago

Hm dunno if anyone will see this but I'll actually try to make some kind of nether mod

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