The Floor Is Lava Revival

Extreme radiation causes you to take damage unless you're on manmade tiles. A fun challenge for territory expansion. Original mod by westoncraft, updated to 1.0/1.1 by Xorimuth.

2 months ago
1.0 - 2.0
Enemies Environment

g [todo] don't burn when flying in a jetpack? only burn when flying in a jetpack!

11 months ago
(updated 11 months ago)

do you wonder why your jet flames aren't damaging anything under you? do you miss the days before flitting everywhere like a bird, when you made places in your factory for cars and walking? jiggle the bits of this mod, and your answers will shine brightly where your feet don't step

im no clean up these code but key bits 4 u

                local dist=["tfil-catch-fire-distance"].value
                if Temporary.last_position[index] then
                    local x= math.abs(player.position.x - Temporary.last_position[index].x)
                    local y= math.abs(player.position.y - Temporary.last_position[index].y)
                    if( x*x + y*y < dist*dist ) then
                        player.surface.create_entity{name="fire-flame", position=player.position, force="neutral"}
        type = "double-setting",
        name = "tfil-catch-fire-distance",
        setting_type = "runtime-global",
        default_value = 2

remove most or all of functionality.lua and the script.on_init section
remove the manmade tile check and use like if player.character and not( string.find(, "water") or string.find(, "frozen-snow") or == "se-space" ) then
yes fires in space, direct heat damage to structures would be more realistic but this is ok

11 months ago

after playing with this for a day i'm not using catch-fire-distance, just setting it to 0.01 so that it works the same as if( x==0 and y==0 )

it works really well to incentivize walking, even if you only make fires when you come to a complete halt then you unjet whenever you pause to do factory stuff, and then you tend to walk around locally before jetting again

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