The Fat Controller

A conductor of trains.

5 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Remote control does not work anymore

4 years ago
Factorio has no changes, what causes this message now suddenly?
With LTN Manager [ALPHA] I can remote control the train.

4 years ago

Uhh, that error message should print the actual error. Can you upload a save where i just have to try and remote control a train and it gives that error?
Else i'd have to create a version that prints the actual error.

4 years ago

Uhh, this occurs in my big game (K2+SE+250 other) and I use unpublished mods which I can not publish because license restrictions. I have tried to remove this mod, but than is crashes. I already work on a solution to remove this mod,, because you are not the only asking for a saved game ;-)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Okay, if you feel like it: is basically the same version as 5.0.5, but it will crash with an actual useful message.

4 years ago

Okay, if you feel like it: is basically the same version as 5.0.5, but it will crash with an actual useful message.

4 years ago

Just deactived a new mod (Navis Malange) and now I can control the train. For investigating the reason maybe you could contact the author.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Yeah, even without FAT it errors when trying to enter a train,

4 years ago

Fixed, can be closed

New response