The Fat Controller

A conductor of trains.

5 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

b Key "enter_vehicle_distance" not found

7 years ago

A startup error as a result of either todays or yesterday's update;

Error while loading entity prototype "fatcontroller" (player: Key "enter_vehicle_distance" not found in property tree at ROOT.player.fatcontroller

7 years ago

Factorio Version: 0.16.22
Date: 02. 02. 2018

  • Added PlayerPrototype::enter_vehicle_distance.
7 years ago

Where did you add it?

7 years ago

Same error for me too. Except, it also requires disabling Bob's Assembling Machines to start as well.

Factorio Version: 0.16.22

7 years ago

I added "enter_vehicle_distance = 0," in prototypes/fatcontroller.lua just under "ticks_to_stay_in_combat = 0," and it has worked well so far.

7 years ago

GForce4u, I didn't add it, I was showing the update news for the game so that he knows why his mod is now throwing the error, that way he can fix it faster knowing the prototype changed a bit.

7 years ago

add: "enter_vehicle_distance = 0," in prototypes/fatcontroller.lua just under "ticks_to_stay_in_combat = 0," as SebsterPalance advised, and you'll be able to load it with bob's assembling machines, W31D0n9. The reason it mentions bob's assembly machines is a little complicated to explain simply, but the only thing that needs to be done to get the mod to load is add a single line to the prototype. Whether this prevents crashes in game i don't know yet.

7 years ago

@usafphoenix Thanks for posting a solution. I may give it a try if my train network necessitates. Since the error, I just disabled TFC, which allows Bob's Assembling Machines to run no problem.

7 years ago

Fixed by update 3.0.2

New response