The Blueprint Lab - Bud deprecated

by canisin

Enter your lab to design your blueprints.

6 years ago

i Locales

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

I recommend always and everywhere to write not "locale.cfg", and write "mod_name.cfg". Example: TheBlueprintLab_bud.cfg

Russian locale(ru)


BPL_LabButtonHotkey=Войти/Выйти из лаборатории чертежей

_BPL_LabButtonHotkey=Войти/Выйти из лаборатории чертежей

LabButtonReturn=Выйти из лаборатории
LabButtonTooltip=Войти или выйти из лаборатории чертежей.\nВаш персонаж неуязвим, пока вы находитесь в лаборатории.\nЕсли вы держите чертёж или книгу чертежей, когда заходите или выходите из лаборатории, вы перенесёте чертёж/книгу на другую поверхность.\n__CONTROL__BPL_LabButtonHotkey__
StateButton=Где я?
ClearButtonTooltip=Перезапустить лабораторию.


If you are holding a blueprint or a blueprint book when you enter or exit the lab, you will bring it with you to the other side.

Maybe write? \/

If you are holding a blueprint or a blueprint book when you enter or exit the lab, you will bring it with you to the other surface.

BUT I do not see/know how to bring blueprint/book via cursor

6 years ago

Hello mate, thanks a lot for all of your suggestions and reminders.

1) Could you please explain the reasoning behind the locale file naming that you suggested. I would very much like to adopt better practices if I can find out the reasons for them.

2) Thanks a lot for the Russian translation, I will include it in the mode, asap.

3) "The other side" was sort of a reference to something maybe.. what I mean is I like the sound of it. I think I will keep it the way it is for now.

As for the actual feature, that is not yet implemented :( I had put the text in advance, planning to implement the feature soon enough but then weekend was over and I have not had the time to do it.

But receiving comments and suggestions does wonders for one's enthusiasm, so I will try and implement the blueprint transfer as soon as I am able to. Thanks a lot for your input.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

1) Could you please explain the reasoning behind the locale file naming that you suggested. I would very much like to adopt better practices if I can find out the reasons for them.

It is much easier to edit and identify translations and their modifications.
In one mod, you can add multiple .cfg
There are mod that includes other mods. But locale folder one, therefore need each .cfg with another name, not locale.cfg. It would be very difficult to work with merging all the locale.cfg.


  • in folder .../locale/en TheBlueprintLab_bud.cfg, bob.cfg, bob_modified.cfg

Is most common in scenarios are such cases

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