Texugo Wind Generator

Wind Generators produces free energy, but are expensive and don't have a steady output. This mods adds 3 tiers of Turbines, from small wood generators to massive steel turbines. Last Update 0.18.4 - Thank you very much Micromario for the great polish of the mod and adding compatibility to some mods.

3 years ago
0.16 - 0.18

b Power lines remain when removed with deconstruction planner

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

EDIT: Did some further testing and this is only an issue with the instant deconstruction option when using the creative mode Mod. Deconstruction using bots is fine.
Love the mod - keep it up :)

When turbines are mined or destroyed, the power lines that connect them are properly removed. When the turbines are removed with the deconstruction planner however, the power lines remain and I've not found any way to remove them at that point. It is also impossible to build in a small area around the point where the turbine used to be.

5 years ago


4 years ago

Any solution for this besides restarting? The Construction Drones mod's drones create the same problem when deconstructing the wind turbines.

4 years ago

sadly no.
Construction Drones works different than Bots, they do not raise the same flags and because of that, the scripts that places and removes the wires doesnt work.
im sorry.

4 years ago

I also ran into this, this mod: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/osha_wind_power also has this problem and actually crashes instead of not letting you place anything there, I think this should be fixed in Creative Mod, as it's not raising the events... thankfully Creative Mod has a "Magic Wand" that can remove the entities

4 years ago

plz make the The Construction Drones mod listed as incopatible! so no more guys have the same problem

3 years ago

Hello I have made a great new version of control.lua that fixes this problem


This new version also does not use events.on_tick, which means it is better for UPS

3 years ago

Hello I have made a great new version of control.lua that fixes this problem


This new version also does not use events.on_tick, which means it is better for UPS

i will test it and if it works i will update the mod.

3 years ago

Thanks for the quick response

3 years ago

Hello I've realized that the version I sent is missing migrations. If you are still planning on updating the mod with this new code I can write them for you

3 years ago

Also, I've made a small mistake

Line 60 should be
name = turbine_map[entity[2]]
instead of
name = turbine_map[entity.name]

3 years ago

Started new job last week, im having little time, but i will update for sure.

3 years ago

If you're short on time, you could add me as a contributor and I'll take care of it for you.

I'm planning on adding this into a modpack i'm working on, which is why I decided to make the bugfix in the first place.

3 years ago

Just send me the files you altered and i will update before this Sunday.

3 years ago

this is the whole mod

I already changed the version number, ect.
All you need to do is upload the file

Thanks :)

3 years ago

Thats a very good polish of the mod
1 - But the wire repositioning is very weird, when i created the mod i was searching how to make the wires stay behind the sprites to simulate something like the wires going on the ground and under the turbine foundation. But putting the wires on the Top of the Turbines makes No Sense at all, i would make the wires completely invisible rather than on the top.
2 - Also construction drones can mine the turbines with no Problems, thats good, bot they Derp like Crazy and never build any turbine except the wood one. I know thats not your fault, but i cant say that is full compatible, but has no game breaking issues as well and that is VERY GOOD.
3 - The mining times was a thing that i was planing on reducing on the next time i would update the mod, the intention of the mining time was to discourage replacing the turbines, but bots can insta mine.... there is no reason to maintain this stupid high mining times, also is very annoying in early stages of the game.
4 - Fixing the changelog was very nice as well, thx.
For now i upload exactly as it is, but maybe on the future i will make an update to make the wire position an optional configuration. ( Invisible, Ground Level, On Top )
Thank you very much.

3 years ago

I'm happy to help :)
About wire positioning, you can always use
data.raw['electric-pole'].substation.draw_copper_wires = false
to make the wires invisible, but I think doing this is a bad idea since people wouldn't know the hidden pole even exists

Maybe another idea would be to talk about the hidden pole in the windmill description?

Also I think the long mining times were very annoying, so I'm happy that they are gone

3 years ago

About wire positioning, you can always use
data.raw['electric-pole'].substation.draw_copper_wires = false
to make the wires invisible, but I think doing this is a bad idea since people wouldn't know the hidden pole even exists

Just wondering: Why would you want people to know about the hidden pole? I'm not talking about modders (a lot of mods have their dirty little secret -- combined entities, hidden entities, hidden characters etc.), but players. For example, in Bio Industries I've put a hidden power pole on every piece of powered rail. I need that to make sure that the rails can transfer electricity, but if players would be able to see the poles they wouldn't dare putting a train on these rails for fear of collisions. So, once again: Why should a normal player who just wants to get some power from wind turbines care about anything abstract like hidden poles that are just a tool for modders and not meant for interaction with the player?

3 years ago

The reason players can see the poles is because they need to know that you can chain them together without connecting them to the power grid normally

If the pole was removed, the turbine would still work, you would just need to use substations to cover all of them

New response