Q: Can I use the old savefiles with this mod?
A: No, its all in a scenario now. You can press new game and pick testbench as the scenario. If you want to use the savefile you can pick an older version.
Q: How do I add lanes or switch to another lane width?
A: Trainstops are grouped by names and direction. The only thing they need is rails to place the trains and the signal next to the trainstop. You can just copy/delete and move the stations as you want and add as many as you want. Just don't place them rotated. That messes with the test.
Q: How do I use it?
A: Put down your intersection, make safe outputs, press start and press speed. If you want to run quicker tests, press the gear and change to short.
Q: What is the margin of errror in testresults?
A: roughly for short tests 30min, its about +- 1. For medium tests its +-0,5 for long test its +- 0.1.
Added a new scenario for testing wpm. The results are stored in the factorio log file. found in AppData\Roaming\Factorio\factorio-current.log