
by Silari

Mid and late-game techs for teleportation devices. Adds beacons which allow teleportation between them, and equipment that allows teleporting within vision range, including radars, using a remote. Both methods require power proportional to the distance traveled. Also includes optional telelogistics technology which transfers items from a Teleprovider chest to a selected Beacon (hit R on the chest to set it). Original by Apriori, updated to 0.17+ by Silari.

a month ago
0.17 - 2.0

g [DONE] Teleprovider Removes Quality

a month ago

as title says, using the teleprovider removes and quality levels on an item

a month ago

I'll take a look and see what i can do to fix that, but I don't own SA so that limits the ability to test things. HOPEFULLY it should just be reading the quality parameter from the stack and including it in the code that creates the stack.

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Should be fixed in 2.0.1, but I can't test it.

New response