
by Silari

Mid and late-game techs for teleportation devices. Adds beacons which allow teleportation between them, and equipment that allows teleporting within vision range, including radars, using a remote. Both methods require power proportional to the distance traveled. Also includes optional telelogistics technology which transfers items from a Teleprovider chest to a selected Beacon (hit R on the chest to set it). Original by Apriori, updated to 0.17+ by Silari.

1 year, 5 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b [DONE] Non-recoverable error when loading world with Teleportation_Redux and Blueprint Sandboxes

1 year, 6 months ago

Screenshot of the non-recoverable error:
Link to the mod:
The discussion post I created there (includes a response from the mod author):

1 year, 6 months ago

He's right about the cause but that shouldn't be possible, as the data structures it's using should be created the first time the mod is loaded.

Is this a brand new game, or loading a saved game? If not new, is either teleportation redux or blueprint sandboxes entirely new to the save?

1 year, 6 months ago

I am trying to add Telportation Redux to a Bob Angel's world with ~300 hours.

1 year, 5 months ago

OK, now that I was able to reproduce the error I found the root cause. I thought the mod was setup to initialize the teleportation variables as part of on_init, which already ran by the time the error occurred. Instead, it's setup to initialize the needed variables for telelogistics which are different. So basically I can't read apparently.

Fixed in 1.1.12, which will require Factorio 1.1.77 due to another fix that's in it.

New response