
by Silari

Mid and late-game techs for teleportation devices. Adds beacons which allow teleportation between them, and equipment that allows teleporting within vision range, including radars, using a remote. Both methods require power proportional to the distance traveled. Also includes optional telelogistics technology which transfers items from a Teleprovider chest to a selected Beacon (hit R on the chest to set it). Original by Apriori, updated to 0.17+ by Silari.

1 year, 5 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

i Round-robin delivery to beacons of the same name

3 years ago

I use telelogistics to deliver artillery shells to my cannons for clearing enemies. If I have 10 artillery positions I need to have 10 teleprovider chests, each tied to one beacon. It would be really great if one teleprovider would round-robin deliver items to all beacons with the same name. I'd use this for filling lakes with landfill, too. Start delivering landfill to a bunch of lakes and let it run overnight.

3 years ago

Unlikely to happen. The names that are in use aren't really used for anything beyond displaying to the user. There's a separate key used to identify beacons everywhere, including for teleproviders. Changing that would be a ton of work.

If telelogistics has a big change, it'd be to move to the Linked Chest functionality that got added in 1.1. Then they'd naturally work like that - all linked chests with the same ID share a single inventory.

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