
by Silari

Mid and late-game techs for teleportation devices. Adds beacons which allow teleportation between them, and equipment that allows teleporting within vision range, including radars, using a remote. Both methods require power proportional to the distance traveled. Also includes optional telelogistics technology which transfers items from a Teleprovider chest to a selected Beacon (hit R on the chest to set it). Original by Apriori, updated to 0.17+ by Silari.

1 year, 5 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

g [DONE] Why is transport stream pulsing

3 years ago


we run a small private server where we use this mod beside others (Krastorio, Mini loaders, etc..). I created a test scenario (seperated Factorio server instacne) where I tried to send ores using 16 teleprovider chests to one Beacon. This worked out event with the fastest belt available (90items/s) for all 16 belts. The ores were running smoothly through the teleporter at a rate of 1440 items/s.

Back to our main game we experience a pulsing in data transfer. One teleprovider chest is fed with items in a constant stream, but the teleporter only transmits single batchches with a pause. It looks like pulsing.

When attaching a second belt to the beacon the item's are coming out splitted and pulsing (i.e 20 items on one belt -> 10 items on 2 belts). When using more than one teleprovider chest to feed the pusling remains.
We tried using Krastorio loaders, mini loaders and normal inserters. The effect remains the same. Energy is available.
The mods are equal for both server instances. Only the size of the factories are different and on the test mod server the cheat mode is enabled.

3 years ago

The teleprovider has to send items using LUA scripting, and it limits how often it does it to keep the script from bogging down performance. In particular, looking at the code it basically iterates down the list of teleproviders in the game, 1 per tick. If you've got a lot of them in a game, it can take a while for it to get through the list. Since each provider chest only has one slot, it limits max throughput of any provider to 1 stack/(total number of providers) tick.

I'm guessing your test world only had the ones you were using for your test setup, while your real map has those plus more elsewhere on the map, making the overall throughput slower.

I'll look into changing how the code works for the next version - it shouldn't affect processing times too much to change it so that it processes more per tick when it needs to, possibly change it so each provider is processed once per second regardless of how many they are (as it is if you've got only one provider, it gets processed 60 times a second).

A future version might switch to using the new linked chest feature, but that would mean redoing a lot of how the telelogistics work - you can't link chests if they aren't the same entity name, and they're always bi-directional, so it'd end up being Provider<->Provider instead of Provider->Beacon. Upside is the inventory management for linked chests is all handled C++ side, so little in the way of performance issues.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Thank you very much for your detailed answer. It was a joy to read it. :-)

I'm looking forward to the upcoming releases.

3 years ago

New version is up and should resolve this with a new setting - the Dynamic TeleProvider Loop option has it loop through each Teleprovider once per second, spread throughout the second. In practice, this means each teleprovider has a throughput of one stack per second. It MIGHT be laggy if you've got a bunch, though some quick testing seemed fine.

Also in this version, setting teleproviders is a bit easier, as the hotkey to set them up will now reopen the window to the highlighted one, or close the window if one isn't highlighted.

Jump Targerter is also now available as a Shortcut and as Ctrl+J, instead of being an item with some janky workarounds. New version is a selection tool, similar to blueprint creation/copying/planners. It'll try to teleport you to the topleft of the selected area. Future versions should redo it so it's the center of the area, with the selected area being the limit.

3 years ago

I started a new game so It will take some time until I'm able to test. Thanks a lot for the fast update.

3 years ago

In between I've ben able to test. Until now everything runs smoothly.

Thnks again :-)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Also in this version, setting teleproviders is a bit easier, as the hotkey to set them up will now reopen the window to the highlighted one, or close the window if one isn't highlighted.

for me the link menu does not open the overall list and teleporting as a player works fine but item teleportation does not work sadly, tried to reallocate the button but just nothing happens.

EDIT: nvm thats all on me, to enable telelogistics I have to restart the game and set it up sadly

New response