Teleportation deprecated

by Apriori

[OUTDATED] Look for Teleportation_Redux by Silari. Devices for the teleportation. Techs for mid- and late-game. You can teleport either to the special beacons or as far as you see (also usable in zoom-ro-world mapview). You can also use Telelogistics part after both enabling it through the in-game mod settings menu and researching the technology. Just place a Teleprovider, press R on it and select a destination Beacon. Need feedback about telelogistics energy cost.

7 years ago
0.14 - 0.16

g FIFTEEN fusion reactors… and then it needs a reactor to power it

7 years ago

Doesn't make sense, and I hate stuff that doesn't make ANY sense.

Shouldn't have paid attention to it, used it tons in the past, but now that I've seen it, I cannot unsee/ignore it.

I understand the "it has to be expensive" thing, am totally behind it. But now have to think about how to do that "properly".

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

XD Yep, you're quite right, friend! This recipe was to make it end-game and expensive thing, so I used FRs to make it so, and didn't think about sense. It's really illogical... Your suggestions?

7 years ago

Maybe make the recipe require U-235 or Uranium Fuel Cells?

New response