Teleportation deprecated

by Apriori

[OUTDATED] Look for Teleportation_Redux by Silari. Devices for the teleportation. Techs for mid- and late-game. You can teleport either to the special beacons or as far as you see (also usable in zoom-ro-world mapview). You can also use Telelogistics part after both enabling it through the in-game mod settings menu and researching the technology. Just place a Teleprovider, press R on it and select a destination Beacon. Need feedback about telelogistics energy cost.

7 years ago
0.14 - 0.16

i Energy

7 years ago

I already tought of a mod like this, and came to the same conclusion : it should cost a lot !

Sooo... I tought of adding a linear particle accelerator which would create antimatter out if uranium. It would also have randomisée ressources as waste. You would get antimatter as à fluid and need to bottle it in a magnetic capsule, which could then be used as fuel for quantic téléportation. That way, you have cost in energy and uranium which also en force the late game.(and it goes somewhat scientifically crédible)

I would love to work on a mod like this (i'm a dev), let me know if you're interested in the Idea at please

7 years ago

Sent an email.

7 years ago

Whatever you decide on for power consumption it should be based on a unit * distance model. ie 5 watts * distance traveled in squares per unit.

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Whatever you decide on for power consumption it should be based on a unit * distance model. ie 5 watts * distance traveled in squares per unit.

Yep, it's absolutely clear. =)
I also think of adding one more feature to the Telelogistics: Teleproviders (or Beacons?) can provide a player with requested items, if a player has Personal Teleporter equipped. This feature would be great (imho) when using with my Blueprint Items Request mod, which has now got a new feature (not yet released): gui button for requesting all items needed to finish building a blueprint (those items mentioned in alert). The last mod already provides an ability to autorequest all items needed for a blueprint in player's cursor.

EDIT: I've got a point in my TODOs "Telelogistics balance: Beacons spent energy to collect items from Teleproviders. Energy is being spent per each item teleported and depends on distance [and item complexity]". Not sure about the last one. Trying to figure out a formula. IMHO the cost dependency on distance should be logarithmic, not a linear.
Now I'm testing the next variant:
Cost = 10^(1+ dist/100), 10 is base, 100 is degree divider.
Beacon's buffer is 300 MJ, charge rate is 5 MJ/s.
Costs are:

You can use my calculation to test.

7 years ago

I would opt for a linear model since
- teleportation is supposed to be rather cheap-ish for long distances
- the initiation costs should be high.

Otherwise one would have to place beacons all over the place with hopping from one to another instead of just going straight to the destination.

7 years ago

Vudu, it sounds reasonable. Thanks for the arguments.

7 years ago

perhaps add late game tech that improves efficiency and another for maybe charge rate, reducing costs. also perhaps have the costs do an inverse square on distance, so that perhaps only long range teleports are cost effective at first :)

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