Teleportation deprecated

by Apriori

[OUTDATED] Look for Teleportation_Redux by Silari. Devices for the teleportation. Techs for mid- and late-game. You can teleport either to the special beacons or as far as you see (also usable in zoom-ro-world mapview). You can also use Telelogistics part after both enabling it through the in-game mod settings menu and researching the technology. Just place a Teleprovider, press R on it and select a destination Beacon. Need feedback about telelogistics energy cost.

7 years ago
0.14 - 0.16

a Leave your feedback about use counts

7 years ago

Now Beacon's amount of power is enough to use it three times.
Personal Teleporter Equipment's full charge lets you teleport to a beacon two times or jump at 400m distance. Not too much, but you can equip several Teleporters.

I think it's balanced. What do you think?

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Hi, first of all, thank you very much for updating to 0.15 XD

Now Beacon's amount of power is enough to use it three times.

Yes, i think beacons are balanced and the recharge rate is ok.

If you want to hear my opinion about the personal teleporter: It always bothered me, that the personal teleporter has a fixed recharge rate. Sometimes you forget a few items, teleport multiple times in a short amount of time and suddenly you are without teleport and must wait forever. The problem is, that the teleporter does not charge more quickly with more fusion reactors, nor uses battery power. This is different from all other equipment. Why does my teleporter have no energy when I have full batteries? Therefore I have already used in 0.14 the following settings for myself:

  type = "electric",
  buffer_capacity = "50MJ",
  input_flow_limit = "1GW",
  output_flow_limit = "0W",
  usage_priority = "secondary-input"

The Teleporter now mainly uses the battery power (the battery indicator can also be used to estimate how many jumps you still have). In addition, the player has the option to increase his jump portal range or the number of his beacon jumps at the cost of space in the equipment grid for batteries. This gives the player more freedom and the teleporter felt less arbitrary to me. XD

..., but you can equip several Teleporters.

He, i have never thought about eqipping multiple teleporters O0

Maybe you find the jump portal too strong after these changes, but you could compensate that by increasing the jump portal energy cost.

I will use these settings anyways, but you can try them out yourself and decide if you like it or not.

7 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. Your stats are a little bit cheaty, in my humble opinion. =) ow PT is being charged during 200 sec. Ok, it's too long, maybe, but you can still use several ones, as I said. So, maybe, 10-20 sec will be ok...
buffer_capacity = "100MJ",
input_flow_limit = "10MW", -- or 5MW
output_flow_limit = "0W",
--usage_priority = "primary-input"
usage_priority = "secondary-input"

7 years ago
(updated 7 years ago)

Have you tested different settings ingame? Well, 1GW is instant, but keep in mind that i am still limited by the size of my battery energy capacity, which only reloads at 1.5MW, since i have 2 fusion reactors. But i would be fine with 10 or 5MW input flow, since that would make at least use of my batteries, which is impossible with the 500KW before. Also, i dont find it cheaty to teleport to beacons, but the jump portal might indeed be a bit cheaty at these values, thats why i suggested to increase the energy cost per meter of the jump portal in return. Its up to you, i think there are probably many different opinions about this, and my humble opinion does not necessarily have to be better than your humble opinion XD

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