Teleportation deprecated

by Apriori

[OUTDATED] Look for Teleportation_Redux by Silari. Devices for the teleportation. Techs for mid- and late-game. You can teleport either to the special beacons or as far as you see (also usable in zoom-ro-world mapview). You can also use Telelogistics part after both enabling it through the in-game mod settings menu and researching the technology. Just place a Teleprovider, press R on it and select a destination Beacon. Need feedback about telelogistics energy cost.

7 years ago
0.14 - 0.16

g Image Layer and other feedback

8 years ago

The layer needs to be the same as corpses or similar, so it is drawn behind the player. I think.

Also, a hotkey to open the menu, or auto-opening it when walking onto a portal, and closing it when walking off.

Also Also, when teleporting from a location, show the energy amount.

Also^3, use a dummy laser turret instead of an accumulator, so it can charge from accumulators.

8 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. The third idea is good, I'll check it. The second - I can't imagine how to show it. The first - I'll check it out.

8 years ago

the third is done.
Others are in progress.

New response