Teleportation deprecated

by Apriori

[OUTDATED] Look for Teleportation_Redux by Silari. Devices for the teleportation. Techs for mid- and late-game. You can teleport either to the special beacons or as far as you see (also usable in zoom-ro-world mapview). You can also use Telelogistics part after both enabling it through the in-game mod settings menu and researching the technology. Just place a Teleprovider, press R on it and select a destination Beacon. Need feedback about telelogistics energy cost.

7 years ago
0.14 - 0.16

b Game looking for non-existing "Portal-32.png"

8 years ago

During mod loading, the game refuses to load with the message that it cannot find "Teleportation/graphics/Portal-32.png".

After a bit of snooping around, I found the issue to be in the "items.lua" file, line 26, where the name of the file is indeed misspelled, preventing Factorio to launch at all. Replacing the filename with 'Teleportation/graphics/portal-32.png' worked like a charm.

Thanks for the mod!

8 years ago

Oops... Thank you for the bug report, Malthinae.I'll fix it today.

8 years ago

Done. Thank you again.

New response