Tag To Teleport

Place a teleportation tag on the map to travel there instantly. Give it a name and you can fast travel there with a keyboard shortcut! No costs, perfect for the end-game when you got tired of running and travelling by trains. Just click RMB on map and set the icon "tag to teleport", done!

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i Is it possible to create this "locked" to player that makes them?

3 years ago

I play on a custom OARC type server and we would not really want anyone just jumping through every one elses teleporter. Is it actually possible - I have no idea I'm honestly asking - to have these created per-player in any way?

3 years ago

It's possible, but not for this mod. Maybe new one, ask here: https://forums.factorio.com/viewforum.php?f=33

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