Tag To Teleport

Place a teleportation tag on the map to travel there instantly. Give it a name and you can fast travel there with a keyboard shortcut! No costs, perfect for the end-game when you got tired of running and travelling by trains. Just click RMB on map and set the icon "tag to teleport", done!

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Teleport to ping

5 years ago

Maybe I have an idea to make quick teleportation easier/quicker.
Could you teleport to the 'map ping' location? There you probably get the ping's location. If you bind that to your teleport it might work?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

What is "map ping" and 'map ping' location? The mod supports Ctrl+1 to teleport to the tag, that has "1" as first symbol of it's name and this special icon.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

See the wiki:
Scroll to advanced interaction.
There is an option called "Ping a map location"

The advantage would be that you could teleport to ANY location with a single hotkey. This is MUCH easier/faster than having to click the icon button, then set the 'teleport tag' icon and then press the Confirm button.

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