Tag To Teleport

Place a teleportation tag on the map to travel there instantly. Give it a name and you can fast travel there with a keyboard shortcut! No costs, perfect for the end-game when you got tired of running and travelling by trains. Just click RMB on map and set the icon "tag to teleport", done!

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i [impossible] Hotkey Teleport

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Could you add an option to teleport to a certain map location via a hotkey instead of having to select the teleport tag? Note: i'm not reffering to the numbered teleport tags that you can access via ctrl+number, i'm reffering to the "one use" teleport you get when you don't provide a number.

5 years ago

There is no way to get the mouse position. But when you add the tag, the mod becomes the tag position and you can be teleported to the nearest free position.

Here is a lot of another teleportation mods with another mechanics, but you always need to define the target position: with the gun, by entity selecting and same actions.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

By chance i also stumbled over this mod, which seems to have a workaround for this issue: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/move-with-mouse. From what i understand, it spawns a fast/invisible capsule that travels to the place where you click. Would this be of any use in this case?

I know there are other teleport mods out there that do things differently, but this one is exactly what i want, no added tech or items, it's straightforward and easy to use!

5 years ago

You cannot drop items on the map, just tag.

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