Tag To Teleport

Place a teleportation tag on the map to travel there instantly. Give it a name and you can fast travel there with a keyboard shortcut! No costs, perfect for the end-game when you got tired of running and travelling by trains. Just click RMB on map and set the icon "tag to teleport", done!

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b [fixed] intermittent error

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Thanks for this mod, I really like it and it makes moving around on a big map so much easier.

I wish I could give more info about this error to help but it seems to be mostly intermittent.
Basically I started a brand new game, and this happened the first time I tried to create a numbered tag.

The tag's name was "0 - Base"

738.958 Error MainLoop.cpp:1183: Exception at tick 25274: The mod Tag To Teleport caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event TagToTeleport::on_chart_tag_added (ID 135)
TagToTeleport/control.lua:68: attempt to index field 'teleports' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
TagToTeleport/control.lua:68: in function 'create_fixed_teleport_location'
TagToTeleport/control.lua:16: in function <TagToTeleport/control.lua:5>

5 years ago

Thanks for report, was it your first teleportation in this game?

5 years ago

Please try new version.

5 years ago

thanks for the quick turn around on this. this works great.

5 years ago

It's the big problem:
If I test my mod whole hour and get no error, means it that here is no bugs? Nope. Bug hunting needs much more time than bug fixing, thanks for bug report.

New response