Tag To Teleport

Place a teleportation tag on the map to travel there instantly. Give it a name and you can fast travel there with a keyboard shortcut! No costs, perfect for the end-game when you got tired of running and travelling by trains. Just click RMB on map and set the icon "tag to teleport", done!

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b [fixed] Crash on various thing

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Test it on new game with only this mod loaded, on Factorio 0.17.43

-Crash when using teleport hotkey with no tag assign to it.
-Crash when saving a location

Error Log :

Also, you need to add proper description/screenshot,
There's no info that user should use a "Tag To Teleport" signal in the icon for player to teleport.
Thus why i'm confused because placing a tag with no name done nothing πŸ€”

4 years ago

Must be fixed.

New response