Tactical Construction

Tactical Construction provides a per-player toggle that - when enabled - prioritizes the local player's roboport for construction requests (as opposed to allowing construction requests to be satisfied by any logistics network that overlaps inside the player's mobile roboport). CAUTION: This mod applies force changes to any game loaded with the mod active; these changes are not reverted if you disable the mod w/o first instructing it to undo the changes to your file(s). Read the mod description.

1 year, 6 months ago
0.18 - 1.1
Logistic network

b Crash

3 years ago

Mod crashes when loading a game save. https://imgur.com/7SYH156

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Ugh. Thanks for the report. Believe it or not, I did test the new version before uploading it but go figure the really old migration scripts don't run on my saved games because the mod is already enabled on them. Thanks to your report, I knew what to look for and was able to reproduce it. A fix is in version 0.2.6.

Try it and let me know if it works :-)

New response