Timelapse Base Edition (TLBE)

Takes screenshots of your base at specified intervals.

15 days ago
0.18 - 2.0

g Crashes at large base

9 months ago

this mod seems to crash my game once the area to screenshot gets very large.
im on linux and currently no other mods.
If i remove this mod then go in to the same save i dont crash
if i remove this mod then go into the save then save the save so factorio thinks the save doesnt need the mod and then enable the mod again and then setup the mod again it will start small and not crash and the area to screenshot will slowly get larger again and eventually crash.
Is there anything i can do against that besides try other timelapse mods?

9 months ago

Sorry to hear this mod is causing you issues.

Can you provide more information what you mean with 'crash'? Is there some error?

Note that the screenshot are taken by Factorio itself (not the mod), and it can handle only a certain maximum size. Depending on your RAM (memory) and the limitation that are set by the game.
The mod should handle the limitation set by the game, so I suspect you are out of memory to take the screenshots (without more details of the crash, this is only speculation).

9 months ago

i have 32gb of ram so no im not running out of memory. I also have a gpu with 24gb of vram so thats was definitely not it.
However i just tried it again and it seems to work fine again?? Possibly a driver issue since mesa got updated recently. since it works fine again there is no further need for this discussion

9 months ago

Glad to hear it is solved

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