Timelapse Base Edition (TLBE)

Takes screenshots of your base at specified intervals.

21 days ago
0.18 - 2.0


Version: 2.1.0
Date: 19-02-2025
    - Add (per player) setting to automatically activate recording with main camera on new game (Thanks thephluxer)
    - Add (per player) setting to save screenshots in map seed named subdirectories (Thanks thephluxer)
    - Add (per player) setting to change screenshot format (png/jpg) (Thanks thephluxer) 
    - Fix main camera producing screenshot files with wrong camera name (Thanks thephluxer)
    - Remove left-over debug messages
Version: 2.0.4
Date: 07-11-2024
    - Fix race condition with StatsGUI.
Version: 2.0.3
Date: 29-10-2024
    - Fix changing camera dimensions. (Thanks balukin)
Version: 2.0.2
Date: 29-10-2024
    - Make sure camera zoom is not lower than minimal allowed zoom when smooth tracking is disabled.
Version: 2.0.1
Date: 22-10-2024
    - Replace missing sprite for Area and CityBlock trackers.
Version: 2.0.0
Date: 21-10-2024
    - Support Factorio 2.0 (I did not check with Space Age playthrough, so there might be bugs!)
Version: 1.5.2
Date: 21-10-2024
  Minor Features:
    - Try to fix missing player data in order to be more flexible to unexpected situations.
    - Add (per player) setting to use intervals (milliseconds) between frames instead of speed gain (factor).
    - Fix optional dependency on StatsGui.
Version: 1.5.1
Date: 13-11-2023
    - Fix migration error when loading existing saves with TLBE being newly installed.
    - Fixed small grammar mistakes. (Thanks Adix-null)
Version: 1.5.0
Date: 01-08-2023
    - Add toggle/shortcut to take a screenshot (on paused active camera).
    - Add option to include GUI in screenshots (requires to have same camera resolution as game/screen resolution to make this look good).
    - Visualize capture regions on the map. (Thanks drdozer)
    - Add GUI setting to speedup transitions.
    - Show camera status (using Stats GUI mod).
    - Add City Block tracker. (Thanks drdozer)

    - Use 10 digits for screenshot numbers.
    - Use 'transition' when mentioning camera movement (instead of zoom).
    - Fix camera transition issue, caused when camera is paused during transition (active transitions will be BROKEN).

    - Recalculate base size for selected surface.
Version: 1.4.5
Date: 25-08-2022
  Minor Features:
    - Added an always daylight toggle to cameras. (Thanks drdozer)
    - Optionally keep player tracker enabled when building.
Version: 1.4.4
Date: 03-07-2022
  Minor Features:
    - Store screenshots in a sub-directory if the camera name contains a slash.
    - Each camera must have its own sequential numbering when enabled.
Version: 1.4.3
Date: 11-12-2021
    - Fix smooth zooming when user changed active tracker.
Version: 1.4.2
Date: 27-07-2021
    - Improve max-zoom message and add tooltips for camera settings.
    - Fix (default) shortcut key sequence.
    - Make sure the zoom level is adjusted when resolution changes to keep the same area in the screenshots.
      Note: Be careful when to change resolution, as this will abort/mess up any smooth camera movement that is active!
    - Fix crash when camera information is (partially) missing.
Version: 1.4.1
Date: 21-03-2021
    - Do not take vehicles into account for base size calculation. (Thanks fortysixandtwo)
Version: 1.4.0
Date: 08-02-2021
    - Configurable surface for each camera (when multiple surfaces are available).
      Hint: The 'Area Tracker' seems most suitable for small surfaces, as used in for example Factorissimo2.
    - Configurable surface for each tracker (when multiple surfaces are available).
    - Camera only uses trackers on same surface.
  Minor Features:
    - Add toggle/shortcut to pause all cameras.
Version: 1.3.1
Date: 31-01-2021
    - Fix crash due to script changing the settings.
Version: 1.3.0
Date: 05-01-2021
    - Updated to Factorio 1.1
Version: 1.2.2
Date: 10-10-2020
  Minor Features:
    - Warn player(s) to enable camera on first (mod) start.
    - Make GUI more clear/consistent:
      - Use one sprite for a button (don't toggle on state anymore).
      - Use disabled sprite-buttons for disabled buttons (instead of regular sprites).
      - Hide some disabled buttons.
    - Refresh tracker list when deleting camera or remove tracker from camera to reflect changes.
Version: 1.2.1
Date: 22-09-2020
  Minor Features:
    - Optionally show entity information in screenshots.
Version: 1.2.0
Date: 08-09-2020
    - Add Area Tracker
    - Choose between sequential or game tick numbering method for the screenshots.
    - Fix width of tracker tab.
    - Fix crash when no entities are build but base camera is active.
Version: 1.1.1
Date: 03-09-2020
    - Update camera tracker list when name changes while game is paused.
Version: 1.1.0
Date: 03-09-2020
    - Enable/Disable camera smoothness per tracker.
    - Support pausing game when TLBE window is open.
  Minor Features:
    - Delete (unused) trackers.
    - Fix tracker type label.
Version: 1.0.0
Date: 01-09-2020
  Major Features:
    - Use camera and tracker system.
    - Use in-game GUI.
  Minor Features:
    - (Re)calculate base dimensions when importing TLBE into an existing game.
Version: 0.1.2
Date: 08-07-2020
  Minor Features:
    - Inform player when TLBE starts to take screenshots. (instead of a notification per screenshot)
  Ease of use:
    - Warn that base dimensions are unknown if TLBE is loaded into an existing game.
    - Changed "speed increase" default to take one screenshot per minute.
Version: 0.1.1
Date: 28-06-2020
    - Basic support loading into existing games.
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 20-06-2020
    - Initial release.