Timelapse Base Edition (TLBE)

Takes screenshots of your base at specified intervals.

2 months ago
0.18 - 2.0

g factorisimo and similar

2 years ago

I was thinking of doing a timelapse of a factorisimo game. However, Ideally I would want a camera that captures the entire factory floor that the player is on at that time, centered on the factory floor rather than the player. I realise it is a bit of a nitch ask. Any ideas how it could be done without a ton of manually setting up and enabling/disabling cameras?

2 years ago

Set up a camera per factory floor (surface), and add a area tracker to it, and ...

without a ton of manually setting up and enabling/disabling cameras?

oh... not really possible then

Jokes aside,
It would be (technically) possible to track on which surface the player is, scale the area tracker to fully match it. (and use a separate camera for the 'outside surface' with a base tracker (or whatever works for your idea).
But, it would be an extreme 'niche setup', so I don't think it makes sense to support such a scenario in the official mod.

That said, you could fork the repo and tweak the mod a little with the changes mentioned above, and create your own unique timelapse video :D

1 year, 5 months ago

We could add a 'follow player' on the surface drop down. Then a city block or area tracker should be sufficient. Assuming that the coordinates of the factory floors are all the same (but on different surfaces)?

1 year, 4 months ago

That's an idea. Next time I do a factorisimo playthrough I will test this out.

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