Timelapse Base Edition (TLBE)

Takes screenshots of your base at specified intervals.

3 months ago
0.18 - 2.0

g Multiple Timelapses at Once, Question

2 years ago

Hi, I've been using this mod and it's great, I love it. But, I'm trying to have 2 cameras making 2 timelapses at the same time, in different places. Each camera has just one area tracker, and so when I enable all of this I get the screenshots in my script-output, but they stay numbered sequentially so they're mixed together one after the other, so when I drag them into my video editor they stay like that as a video. Is there an easy way to separate these images? What if I wanted to have 3 or 4 timelapses at the same time, is that possible without manually sorting hundreds of screenshots? Any help is appreciated, thanks! :)

2 years ago

It uses the camera name as part of the filenames, so it should be fairly easy to separate the images.

Pro tip: if you add a / (linux/mac) or \ (windows) to the camera name it should put the images in a separate folder.
For example a camera with the name "base/cam", should generate the screenshots in a "base" sub-folder with image names using the "cam" prefix.
(At least this is my trick when I use multiple cameras, I can only tell for sure it works under Linux, but I do not see a reason why it would not work for other OS-es)

2 years ago

Hello, these filenames cannot be set as an image sequence cause they are not numbered 1-2-3 etc. but 2-4-6-8 etc. Which premiere doesn't support. Can this be fixed? Also doing what you said it gave me a result of multiple folders with the sequence number in front and the screenshot inside.

2 years ago

https://imgur.com/pfOlMQQ forgot to include the image example

2 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, the sequential numbering is a bug as this is not supposed to happen.
The trick with the folders was 'just a trick' of which I assumed it worked, but obviously not :)

I created tickets for both issues: https://github.com/veger/TLBE/issues/32 https://github.com/veger/TLBE/issues/33
I'll try to pick the bug up ASAP, the new feature (supporting folders) I have to see how I can do so in a user-friendly and efficient way so it might take longer.

2 years ago

I created a python script that can bulk rename these sequence images using glob, as you use on unix systems, although on windows ffmpeg doesnt support it and might never will. I can share this script in the mean time, although its a band aid fix for now. Its few lines but it does the job so far.

2 years ago

The issues with sequential numbering, and supporting sub-directories are fixed/supported by v1.4.4

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