Timelapse Base Edition (TLBE)

Takes screenshots of your base at specified intervals.

2 months ago
0.18 - 2.0

g HELP - cannot take screenshots

4 years ago

Pls can u do a manual or guide for begginers? I don't get this. I try modify the zoom out but that shit still on 1.00 :D

4 years ago

Sorry for the late response, I don't get notifications and did not check while being on holidays.

With the default settings/camera zoom is automatic:
When you just start it sits at zoom 1.00 and it follows your character.
After you build entities, the camera (base tracker actually) will make sure that your entire base fits in the screenshot. So zoom (and center position) will be adjusted automatically.

As for writing a guide: there is not much to write, by default (with an enabled camera) it will 'just work' (the demo video I made, was done without changing any settings)

4 years ago

I guess the "with an enabled camera" hint has to be stressed, i.e. the mod will not take any screenshots by default.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

ah... it might make sense to enable this by default!
I opened https://github.com/veger/TLBE/issues/16 to track this enhancement.

4 years ago

I decided to show a warning when a new game is started (or the mod is loaded into an existing game).
Hopefully this will help players remembering to enable the camera!

4 years ago

hello, a end of played session (2-3h of factorio)
i would like make a big screenshot of my actual base, on PNG

actually i use map view ingame and [print screen] and many copy past on paint.net
you tool can make that easly ?
i use alienbiome, that a problme ?

4 years ago

(Sorry for my late response, I did not see your question as it was added to an old question... :/ )

TLBE is not meant to take a single screenshot, but like many tools you can (ab)use it for different things.
TLBE has an 'area tracker' it tracks an area that is specified by the user (e.g. using map markers), which wold be the thing for you to abuse:

  1. create a camera with a high enough resolution
  2. create and configure an area tracker (disable smooth camera tracking for a faster result)
  3. attach it to the camera
  4. make sure it is the active tracker (remove the other/default ones if unsure)
  5. let the camera run for a (very) short time, and you should have a few screenshots of the specified area

Hope this helps you.

Note that there is also a /screenshot command which also allows you to take large screenshots (TLBE is using its Lua variant) but then you need to figure out the coordinates of the area yourself.

4 years ago

i have try this command
/c game.take_screenshot{resolution = {x = 10000, y = 12000}, position= {0 , 0}, zoom = 0.3, show_entity_info = true}

but thanks =)

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