Swarmageddon - Enhanced Biter Swarms

by Pawz

A comprehensive upgrade to Biters, making them a considerable challenge at all stages of the game. Bigger biters will split into smaller biters, nests will spawn biters when they die, and as evolution increases, so will the number of enemies you will have to face! Compatible with all (hopefully) mods that add new enemies.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

i Default numbers are far too high

5 years ago

The idea of this mod is great, but I've been doing an AngelBob run for about 20 hours and at some point it's just impossible to hold. I'm very surprised because a few minutes ago my defenses were able to contain biters easily, and suddenly there's just a continuous swarm of them that does not stop and gradually overruns every section of my base.

I have a few complaints/suggestions:
- From what I understand the swarms will never stop until the player dies or he has lost a certain number of turrets ? If so this is really flawed design I think. What's the point on even trying to defend seriously then and not let yourself overrun because it will happen anyway ?
- Instead of swarming 24/24 the attacks should stop after a point, and ideally show announcements before and after the swarm.
- configuration values: the minimum allowed is 1 biter per tick ? Does that mean 60/second ? Seriously I know it's called "swarm" but you can't feed the player with 1 biter per tick during the full game, at some point I want to do something else than repairing walls and refilling ammo.

Hopefully I didn't come too harsh, I know I can just disable the mod, but I actually liked it a lot during the first 20 hours. I just think the attack becomes too sudden and too unrealistic at some point.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Hey there, glad to hear you're enjoying the mod!

Oddly enough, the only thing my mod does is control how many biters spawn from biters that you kill. There is nothing to control the number of attacks / when they attack / etc.

I think maybe you have Rampant installed? I've noticed it can be pretty relentless when attacking. Like, deathly quiet for hours and then suddenly you're getting hammered over and over in a unending waves.

5 years ago

Yeah the actual number in the settings for this mod will only affect the splitting. And you won't even notice it unless you do something like NUKE some very large biters, which would normally split into a crazy number of small ones instantly, but that limiter in the settings will prevent you from getting 500 biters out of one of bob's Titans for example.

5 years ago

Wow, sorry then I believe I have completely misunderstood what this mod does. After getting crushed I've come back to the mod description and read quickly "Each spawner also will spawn biters based on evo factor.", so I thought it just meant the overall biter spawning rate would be increased. But now I understand this part just means spawners will split when you destroy them, right ?

Though, there's definitely something strange, as I'm 90% sure the mod makes more biters spawn near spawners (just as if I was polluting 4x more) and it ceases when I disable it. I indeed have Rampant installed., but I don't think it alone is the problem because after disabling only your mod the number of attacks went back to normal.

Thanks for your quick answer, now I will try to confirm the issue again this week to make sure it wasn't just placebo :D

5 years ago

The mod does spawn biters if you destroy a spawner. But it does not affect natural spawning at all. Just what happens when you kill things.

So if you kill a spawner, a certain number of hp worth of enemies will spawn.
If you kill a biter, the body will immediately produce a certain hp worth of smaller enemies. The formula is based on your evolution factor in such a way that the higher your evo, the greater percentage of the dead biter's hitpoints will be resurrected in the form of smaller biters that pop up exactly where the old biter died. This creates swarms that can be very challenging, but ONLY if there are a number of large biters you just killed.

What this solves is the use of things like sniper turrets to provide full protection. Now, snipers may kill off the big biters, but they won't keep up with all the little ones that pop up as a result. You need a more varied arsenal.

5 years ago

For the record, it was indeed not your mod triggering big attacks. I thought it was because the attacks ceased after disabling the mod, but actually they started again about 5 hours later. I still haven't figured which mod it is.

Now guess what, I've found that it's actually saving and reloading the game that makes these attacks stop. That's really unlucky, because I've falsely thought disabling your mod fixed the problem, when in fact it was just because I reloaded the game to disable it.

Thanks for this great mod and sorry for the false positive, I'm now re-enabling it !

5 years ago

Good to hear! Enjoy and don't forget there's a setting now that will shut down the splitting function if too many of your buildings get damaged. Tweak that to make it harder/easier as you need it!

5 years ago

@Saiph If you are using Rampant, it does tend to do that. To give you a period of "peace" and then smash you all at once.

But you have a point about something. Saving and reloading does seem to change things. I know a few times we got overrun and went back to an earlier save to do a better job defending, only to find that the attack never came.

5 years ago

Yeah it's probably Rampant, I'm just not sure as I didn't try to disable it for a long period of time (which is required to see if the bug is still there) and I have many other biter mods. Now I just reload when I'm getting overrun as it doesn't happen very often.

Though it's probably not a "bug" but just the fact that I have too many biter-enhancing mods makes Rampant attacks completely impossible to survive... I'll still filing a report to them for the save/reload part in case they also noticed it.

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