Subterranean deprecated

Adds a few tiers of underground belt/pipe that can go much farther than standard underground belts/pipes, and charges the player a number of belts/pipes based on the distance between the entrance and exit belt/pipe. When used with Bob's Logistics, it will apply these same effects to it's underground belts.

6 years ago

b max of 17 and not the 250 it says it can do

6 years ago

i like to know whats going on here it says it can go up to 250 tiles and it dont do that how come i like to know y that is and all

6 years ago

One of your other mods is probably overwriting it. Not much I can do against that.

6 years ago

There are several mods this mod is incompatible with. FTweaks, and other mods that alter "max distance" of belts will overwrite the code for this mod. Realizing that FTweaks was one of several took a few weeks. Also, there's a version of "longer undergrounds" that causes the same issue as well.
Suggest adding a list of "incompatible" mods to the description page?

6 years ago

Check your mods list for any mods that add, or possible alter the undergrounds, disable those, create a new (try sandbox) map, and test the underground. The colors are slightly darker for the undergrounds this mod adds.
If it works, re-add other mods that add/modify underground belts and check that it still works. because i'm not able to test every mod or version out there, this is the best i can do to help for whatever instance you are in.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Actually, if you have FTweaks enabled, disable that first before testing other mods. FTweaks messes with all sorts of crap.

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