String Theory

Do you like puzzles? Then try solving this one. Adds an alternate way to create science packs.

4 years ago
The Unlicense (Public Domain)
4 years ago
Latest Version:
0.1.3 (4 years ago)
Factorio version:
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5 users

Do you like puzzles? Then try solving this one. Adds an alternate way to create science packs.

This mod adds a different way to produce science packs. There are two new machines:
1. Letter generator
The letter generator produces random letters, which are items. Alternatively it can also produce a special "end of string" letter.
2. String theory validator
The string theory validator has (once it is powered) an inventory where items are inserted.
You have to insert letters in the right sequence into the machine.
For example "R", then "E", then "D", then "end of string", which will give you red science packs out.
once the "end of string" is received is inserted, the items are taken and validated.
The following strings are valid:
"RED" -> gives 5 Automation science pack
"GREEN" -> gives 5 Logistic science pack
"CHEMICAL" -> gives 5 Chemical science pack
"MILITARY" -> gives 5 Military science pack
"PRODUCTION" -> gives 5 Production science pack
"UTILITYPACK" -> gives 5 Utility science pack
"SPACESCIENCE" -> gives 5 Space science pack

The puzzle in this mod is to create a factory that can sort random letters into correct sequences without getting stuck.
I know a solution using belts, splitters and circuit networks exists, but could imagine also other solutions to be possible.
It is not really intended for endgame, i think that the scripts probably use some performance once scaled high.
Also the mod doesn't delete the normal crafting recipe for packs, to reduce conflicting with other mods too much. Just don't use them.

if you would launch the "satellite" item (or modded items which produce stuff on launch) via the validator, you still get the results without having to use costly components (rocket fuel, rocket control unit, low density structure)