Strange Matter

by 5cript

Ever wanted to convert Energy into matter? This mod lets you do this! Configurable amounts for seamless hardcore to cheat difficulty.

3 years ago
0.13 - 1.1

g profitable to generate uranium?

6 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Okay my math was wrong, i assumed you get 1 fuel cell each.
This calculation was done for a realistic reactors mod power plant and only using liquid matter generators.

140mw x 180s x 10 = 252000 MJ (10 Fuel cells)
10 Fuel Cells= 1x U235 + 19x U238
1x U235 = 3x U238 + 36 MJ
10 Fuel Cells= 22x U238 + 36 MJ
22x U238 = 183 Uranium Ore + 184 MJ
10 Fuel Cells = 183 Uranium Ore + 220 MJ
183 Uranium Ore = 1830 Matter + 154 MJ
1830 Matter = 9150 cycles = 18300s * 10MW = 183000 MJ
10 Fuel Cells=183370 MJ

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Wait what? Are you telling me the cost line up this perfectly or am I reading this wrong?

Because I did not do the math this directly. Only very roughly for a 4GW Reactor... AFAIR.

I might think about reducing uranium cost.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

the profit was 70 GJ or 37%.
My first calculation was terribly off (thats why i created this discussion) but i think 37% would be kinda fair.
Now the perpetual motion machine will be very profitable, but considering the high research cost it seems reasonable

6 years ago

Considering that you still need Iron and Copper Production (or mod ores), I think its ok. The mod ist still pretty hardcore and lategame and I guess a well profitable uranium loop is not that big of a crime.

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