Story Missions - [Scenario Pack]

New campaign mod for Factorio contains a total of 10 full scripted missions. Each mission has a series of mandatory and optional tasks. You can enjoy more than 20 hours of pure gameplay and lore-friendly story about YOU, the engineer who survived the harsh conditions of the unknown planet where crash-landed years ago. How to play? Just install and then click on NEW GAME button. You will see missions in the menu. For more info, check the mod portal. Locales: EN,CZ,SK,RU,DE,PL,KO,FR,ES,CN

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

b Bug - mission 4 - destroing 3rd assambler

1 year, 2 months ago

After destroying 3rd assembler @ misson 4 and "tabing out" two story messages i got following error and "game crash".

The scenario level caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the scenario author.

Error while running event level::on_tick (ID 0)
Must provide either a 'position' or 'target'
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'set_controller'
...Data/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua:518: in function 'init'
core/lualib/story.lua:56: in function 'story_update'
...Data/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua:1328: in function <...Data/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua:1325>

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