Story Missions - [Scenario Pack]

New campaign mod for Factorio contains a total of 10 full scripted missions. Each mission has a series of mandatory and optional tasks. You can enjoy more than 20 hours of pure gameplay and lore-friendly story about YOU, the engineer who survived the harsh conditions of the unknown planet where crash-landed years ago. How to play? Just install and then click on NEW GAME button. You will see missions in the menu. For more info, check the mod portal. Locales: EN,CZ,SK,RU,DE,PL,KO,FR,ES,CN

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Ep 6 destroy radar *spoiler*

2 years ago

How am I supposed to destroy the radar, I used bots carrying radars to look at the bases and found the radar. but I can't find a way across to destroy it, and the artillery are not allowing me to move lasers over with bots.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Hi, there are many ways.

1) there are two radars, one on the western coast (far from you) and second on east with artilleries. The artillery has limited ammo (max 15 I think), so just sacrifices few radars and they will stop shooting eventually. Then you must use for example laser turrets placed by construction bots to destroy defences of the enemy base.

2) you can get to other side by foot, but its very far from your base. Just take your car or tank (very recommended to use tank) and just drive along near the river. You will probably find lots of bug nests blocking the path to other side, so you must kill them first. It doesnt matter which dirrection you will choose on river (but I recomend to use west way).

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

New response