Hi, I'm sorry for your frustration. I tryed the mission many times and also I collected feedback from other players and basicaly from the start is better to offence the closest nests and destroy them.
After you hijack the first train, you actually can have around 75 uranium ammo magazines which if you using car can do serious damage to the nests.
I recoment use this ammo agains the nests around Southpass as fast as possible. Focus only to destroying the nests to prevent loosing pressious ammo. Then imidietly set the train to collect resources, because on your base is builded assembling machine for classic ammo and if you set up train, the flow of iron is pretty good. Don't forget use beacon and modules on mines.
Then destroy some closest nests around Desert coal mines. You can also collect piercing ammo from Riverside base which you can also use agains nests in Crater Mine. Dont forget to use third train parked in Green Forest stone mine. After all this, focus on you pollution and try to minimase affecting it by the biters.
I hope this will helps to the start. I also recoment no to do Objective "Recover Oil Pumpjack in Lakeshore", because after this objective, you will activate rest of the map and also biter expand. Before this objective you can have big vacuum and enought time to focus on production and research or clearing th area. There is also small oil base east from Riverside.
I hope this a little bit helps.