Story Missions - [Scenario Pack]

New campaign mod for Factorio contains a total of 10 full scripted missions. Each mission has a series of mandatory and optional tasks. You can enjoy more than 20 hours of pure gameplay and lore-friendly story about YOU, the engineer who survived the harsh conditions of the unknown planet where crash-landed years ago. How to play? Just install and then click on NEW GAME button. You will see missions in the menu. For more info, check the mod portal. Locales: EN,CZ,SK,RU,DE,PL,KO,FR,ES,CN

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Mission 7 top hard?

3 years ago

The idea for mission 7 is great, To hijack a train and to revive the abandoned ore fields... But the biters are too strong. I tried first to secure the main base and the metal ore field in the south with all turrets and ammunition I can build, but I was overrun several times. Frustrating...

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hi, I'm sorry for your frustration. I tryed the mission many times and also I collected feedback from other players and basicaly from the start is better to offence the closest nests and destroy them.

After you hijack the first train, you actually can have around 75 uranium ammo magazines which if you using car can do serious damage to the nests.

I recoment use this ammo agains the nests around Southpass as fast as possible. Focus only to destroying the nests to prevent loosing pressious ammo. Then imidietly set the train to collect resources, because on your base is builded assembling machine for classic ammo and if you set up train, the flow of iron is pretty good. Don't forget use beacon and modules on mines.

Then destroy some closest nests around Desert coal mines. You can also collect piercing ammo from Riverside base which you can also use agains nests in Crater Mine. Dont forget to use third train parked in Green Forest stone mine. After all this, focus on you pollution and try to minimase affecting it by the biters.

I hope this will helps to the start. I also recoment no to do Objective "Recover Oil Pumpjack in Lakeshore", because after this objective, you will activate rest of the map and also biter expand. Before this objective you can have big vacuum and enought time to focus on production and research or clearing th area. There is also small oil base east from Riverside.

I hope this a little bit helps.

3 years ago

I will reduce the difficulty in next update

3 years ago

I've been playing mission 7 as well, and I also find it hard. However, could I please suggest that you do NOT reduce the difficulty? I appreciate it being hard, and as you explain (and I have discovered through playing) a lot of the difficulty is actually self-inflicted from choosing poor strategies. The scenario does force you to think very carefully what the best course of action is, and whether a certain plan can be made more efficient. As a simple example, red ammo is more expensive than usual, but yellow ammo is not. It is far more efficient to use, even against medium biters, though harder and it takes longer. There are also beacons and modules distributed, and clever use of those can offset the expensive recipes quite a bit. If you make any modifications at all, I'd prefer changes that make more strategies viable, maybe some way to trade for green modules for example. When challenged the first time through, I like to explore the extreme points of various other strategies. Even including shutting the whole base down for a while just to stop pollution. Nothing will attack you then. Also, I don't know if it's intended or an oversight, but burner miners are perfectly possible to craft and place.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hi, thank you for additional feedback. Well I will always trying to balance the map as good as possible. Yeah it's intentional that missions will be harder and harder and you must choose always different tactics and strategies. I will still do minor changes to the start of mission 7. I will only add a little bit more ammo and thats it.

Thanks again for opinion. Im actally thinking about later progress. I saw many gameplays that players are mostly owerhelmly powerfull when they reach Pinehill. So I'm thinking also to add more challenges or gameplay changes in the future.

3 years ago

Thanks for your recommendation - it worked well. I now go with Y34RZ3RO: The mission is very hard and one has to try again and again with different tactics, but it is makeable!
After 20 hours I occupied the pirates main base and delivered the 10 shells to the provider chest near the roboport at DOCKS. The robots took the shells and transported them over the channel to the nothwest. And then happend.... - nothing! The window at the upper left corner shows "Wait for instructions" (Keep yourself in a safe place).
How can I go to mission 8?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Hi, this is fixed in new update but for your save, just keep continuing ressuplying the artilery with additional shells as fast as possible. It should work and trigger next script

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