Stone Water Well

by steinio

Fresh water anywhere.

4 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g 1.0.7 causes mp desync on connect in factorio 0.16.16

6 years ago

Reverting to 1.0.6 fixes it.

6 years ago

Well, not that i don't trust you but i can not test it currently but i'll look at it asap.

There are several desync issues posted in the forum which relates to the game itself and in the last version of this mod is nothing in what can desync.

6 years ago

Tested it on 0.16.20 and got no desyncs. Update to the latest beta or check your setup but don't tell lies.

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

I'm also getting desync with it on 0.16.22, downgrading to 1.0.6 fixes. Heres a copy of my save and mods (With 1.0.6 in them) This works, upon upgrading to 1.0.7 it breaks.

EDIT: Probably unrelated, but many of the wells had to be reoriented afterwards
EDIT2: Had to pickup and place every well, none were producing any water.

6 years ago

Now i see it, you updated an existing game from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7...
The item is a brand new item and the underlying functions from 1.0.6 were removed.

I don't know if i can get updating to work properly...

Recommendation is to remove all 1.0.6 wells, update and rebuild them.